4º. 1er cuatrimestre. Itinerario de Sistemas de la Información. Grado en Ingeniería Informática. ULL
Lea el capítulo WebSocket del libro The Modern JavaScript Tutorial y haga un resumen de lo aprendido.
Estudie también y desarrolle el ejemplo explicado en:
Aquí es esencial habilitar session affinity:
[~/local/src/javascript/learning/websockets/websockets-heroku-socket-io(master)]$ heroku features:enable http-session-affinity
Enabling http-session-affinity for ⬢ dsi-socket-io-example... done
Session affinity, sometimes referred to as sticky sessions, is a platform feature that associates all HTTP requests coming from an end-user with a single application instance (web dyno).
Aquí es esencial habilitar session affinity:
[~/local/src/javascript/learning/websockets/websockets-heroku-socket-io(master)]$ heroku features:enable http-session-affinity
Enabling http-session-affinity for ⬢ dsi-socket-io-example... done
Session affinity, sometimes referred to as sticky sessions, is a platform feature that associates all HTTP requests coming from an end-user with a single application instance (web dyno).